Harrow Open Day 哈罗开放日

How does 450 years of Harrow history and traditions get transported to Shanghai? Discover for yourself when you visit Harrow Shanghai on Saturday, March 12th from 9:30am to 11:30am to experience our unique, unforgettable and fun-filled Open Morning!  


All families are invited to join in what will be a memorable event filled with activity and wonder as we transport you from Harrow UK to Harrow Shanghai to celebrate 450 years of history, innovation and so much more! 


Programme Highlights 活动亮点

  • Understand What Makes a Harrow Education Unique | 360度探校全方位探索校园,感受沪上鲜有的超大空间与完备设施
  • Tour Our Facilities | 了解哈罗教育特色,深入对话哈罗师生、家长及招生人员,全面了解哈罗教育
  • Participate in Our Demo Classes & Showcases | 沉浸式课堂体验,提前体验真实的课程。
  • Listen to Our Musical Talents Perform | 聆听学生表演,在哈罗合唱团的演唱中感受音乐的魅力与力量。
  • Engage in Our Diverse Art Exhibition | 欣赏学生作品,领略哈罗艺术异彩纷呈的多元样态与创新活力。

Click the link to register for the Open Day RIGHT AWAY – spaces are LIMITED and this is the ONLY weekend Open Day we will host this academic year.
