THE School


A very warm welcome to Harrow Shanghai – a caring, warm community where children are encouraged to excel, to exceed their own expectations, and to aspire to becoming good people and great leaders. Shanghai Harrovians achieve amazing things. Ours is one of the highest performing British international schools in the world – have a look at our wonderful academic results – and a school where children develop their talents in the classroom, in performing arts, in their artistic pursuits, in the debating chamber, in the sports hall and gym, and on the field.

When our pupils leave Harrow, they will have become more knowledgeable and have developed talents that will fulfil them for their entire lives and they will know how to embody the eternal Harrow values. They will have courage, knowing how to take calculated risks at the right time; they will be honourable, knowing how to make the right choices for themselves and others; they will be humble, knowing that we are all learning, all the time; and they will seek fellowship, knowing that nobody is an island and every success needs to be shared with others to be meaningful.

Shanghai Harrovians, then, are very special people, ready to lead others and make a difference to their own and others’ lives. Their next step is usually to one of the world’s best universities. After that… well, we can’t wait to see our alumni will do. We know that their accomplishments will exceed even our expectations. Which will take some doing!

We welcome everyone to come to visit our school. Our facilities are world class, and every visitor can feel, the moment they step onto our campus, a warm community, filled with close relationships and infused with both 450 years of Harrow tradition and an edge of ambition and aspiration. A touch of Shanghai, we like to think: a city of culture, tradition, modernity and ambition. A true match for Harrow Shanghai, a school where academic excellence and ambition meets a commitment to values, culture and community.

I look forward to meeting you in person.

Alex Reed

Head Master