Harrow Shanghai Online Open Day

What makes a top quality British school? What’s the secret behind the offers from top universities such as Cambridge and around the world? How do we balance a successful Mandarin curriculum in a British school? We warmly invite you to attend our Online Open Day at 10am on Saturday 5th December led by our young Harrovians to find out the answers and more!


During our Harrow Online Open Day you will have an opportunity to:


  1. Meet Our Head Master 与校长面对面

You can find out the secret behind a top quality British education, which lays in our excellent academic results, outstanding teachers, small class sizes and top class facilities.


2. Receive Detailed Academic Information of Each Phase From Early Years to Sixth Form 云探校一次性理解幼小初高课程完整体系

Our Head of Phases and core subject lead teachers will give you a full picture of our learning journey at Harrow from 18 months to 18 years old. You will learn about our teaching philosophy and  how we combine our curriculum with our exceptional Extra-Curricular Activities including our enriched Harrow-style Leadership & Service programme in developing confident and successful Harrovians.


3. Find Out More About Mandarin Learning in a Very British School 中文及全人教育的落地

Faced with students from different cultural backgrounds with different language level, how do we achieve differentiated teaching? What resources are students using? In an international teaching environment, how can children embrace traditional Chinese culture? Amy Huang, our Head of Mandarin will expand on this further.

国际学校的中文课究竟如何?面对不同文化背景、语言程度的学生,学校会如何实现差异化教学?学生使用的是什么教材?国际教学环境中,如何让孩子拥抱中国传统文化?中文部负责人Amy Huang将为您系统性介绍哈罗上海的中文课程,为您揭开国际教育背景下中文教育的层层面纱。

4. Discover Our House System 揭秘学院制孕育领导力的精髓

What is a House system? What’s the difference between a school with and without a House system? What House activities we provide? Let’s meet our House Coordinator and student to find out the answers!


Lastly our Admissions Manager will be available live to answer any questions about the application process. Please do scan the QR code below to register for this online Open Day.
