Congratulations to Yi Sum Y. for receiving an offer from the University of Cambridge to study Veterinary Medicine at Robinson College. The University of Cambridge was ranked QS No. 3 overall in the world in 2022.
Yi Sum also received an offer to study Veterinary Medicine from Royal Veterinary College, University of London. In 2022, this programme was ranked QS No. 1 in the World for Veterinary Medicine. Huge congratulations!

Here at Harrow, we take great care to know and nurture each individual student with a very personalized approach. Yi Sum’s teachers share their observations of her below.
“Yi Sum grasps the most complex of concepts as quick as, or quicker than, the sharpest minds I have ever taught; Yi Sum absorbs, assimilates, retains, and applies scientific knowledge effortlessly, always asking searching questions way beyond the scope of the A Level syllabus.”
Stephen Eddison
Head of Science, A Level Biology Teacher
“Yi Sum is one of the most capable, and yet most humble, students I have ever encountered. Her methodical and precise experimental skills allow her to attain valid and reliable results which she forensically scrutinises, interrogates and analyses before reaching well-informed conclusions.”
Dr Simba Matando
A Level Chemistry Teacher
“Yi Sum demonstrates tenacity in pursuit of excellence; she sets the highest standards for herself, responds positively and maturely to feedback and is always looking for ways to be better.”
Darren Bulmer
A Level Maths Teacher
“Yi Sum is a joy to teach; she is inquisitive and proactive, reads widely, and commands a breadth of knowledge which allows her to spot the patterns, trends and parallels which elude her peers.”
Ronan Jones
A Level Geography Teacher
“Yi Sum is the kind of student that every teacher wants to have in their classroom. Astute, articulate, conscientious and resilient, she comfortably and consistently sits atop a talented cohort, aided by a prodigious work ethic and a steely determination. It is clear from even the briefest of conversations with Yi Sum that veterinary science has captured her heart and imagination. From the outset of our admissions process, Yi Sum has been unwaveringly focused on fulfilling her ambition of becoming a veterinarian, throwing herself enthusiastically into a variety of challenges in pursuit of this aim.”
Zach Bennetts
Head of Higher Education & Careers
“We are delighted with Yi Sum’s remarkable achievement. To be offered a place to read Veterinary Medicine at two of the world’s top universities for the subject is an accomplishment to make Yi Sum, her family and friends, and the whole school community very proud. She’s a true Shanghai Harrovian: talented, hardworking, modest and kind. She is sure to make a positive difference to our world.”
Alex Reed
Head Master