Greetings from Harrow Shanghai at the Beginning of 2024

As we step into 2024, we also mark the significant moment of Alex Reed’s one-year anniversary as the Head Master of Harrow Shanghai. Reflecting on the past year, Mr. Reed set numerous great goals for the school when he took office, and now, time has flown by. Let’s review whether those great goals have been achieved one by one .

Inside the Classroom, Know Every Harrovian

Mr. Reed emphasized “academic excellence” from the beginning of his tenure, walking into every classroom to listen attentively and take teaching notes. He established close connections with every student. Over the past year, our academic standards have significantly improved, enhancing Harrow Shanghai’s academic reputation among parents. Additionally, we have provided more comprehensive university application support for students. To facilitate preparation for American-bound students, we have also applied to become a SAT testing center.

Teaching A Level English Courses

As a graduate of the English Literature major at the University of Cambridge, Mr. Reed is passionate about education. Despite his busy administrative duties, he continues to teach A Level English Literature courses, fulfilling his ideals of educating students.

Expanding ECA Programs

Additionally, a diverse range of activities has been incorporated into the current ECA program, including rowing, baseball, rugby, boxing, business competitions, STEAM, chess, and more. Notably, students are empowered to initiate and organize projects, fostering leadership and service spirit, such as the student-led Economics ECA.

Comprehensive Upgrade of Campus Infrastructure

A comprehensive upgrade has been implemented on the campus. The student performance stage now features a larger LED screen and lighting facilities. The playground has added large sunshade structures to ensure a more enjoyable space for students during breaks. The library has been upgraded with extended hours, more books, and additional reading spaces for younger students. We’ve also appointed student librarians, nurturing their love for reading while developing their leadership and service spirit.

Valuing Chinese Culture Emphasizing Identity

Mr. Reed, a lover of Chinese literature, upgraded the Chinese language curriculum upon arrival at Harrow Shanghai. Our students were encouraged to explore Chinese history and technology by visiting major cultural museums and ECA programs for Chinese debates and Shanghainese language courses were introduced.

Strengthening Relationships with Parents

Placing significant emphasis on communication with parents, various activities are regularly organized to encourage parental involvement in campus life. Monthly FOH events, semester parent-teacher meetings, and open classes are effective ways to strengthen relationship with parents.

Improving Teacher Retention Rate

Comprehensively assessing staff wellbeing, we prioritize fair treatment and offer free Chinese language courses to assist foreign teachers in understanding and integrating into Chinese culture, thereby maintaining a stable and strong faculty group.

Cultivating Community Leadership and Service Spirit

In this year’s community service plan, our students actively participated in numerous charity and community service activities, including projects for Shanghai Baby Home, wildlife protection, and various ecological projects promoting sustainable development. These activities not only demonstrate students’ social responsibility but also provide them with valuable leadership and service experience.

In 2023, we successfully achieved all the goals set by Harrow Shanghai. However, we won’t stop here!Because in 2024, we’ve set even more ambitious goals!

  • Further Enhancing Academic Quality: We will continue to strengthen academic teaching quality, especially in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) courses, to cultivate students’ innovation and practical skills.
  • University Destination: In addition to top UK college, we aim to send more Harrovians to prestigious global universities. This year, we will organize a series of study tours to the UK and the US, providing students with the opportunity to visit and experience their dream universities.
  • Integration of Technology and Innovation: Strengthening the application of technology in teaching, such as introducing smart classroom facilities and online learning resources, to encourage students to use the latest technology for learning and exploration.
  • Expansion of Arts and Cultural Programs: Introducing more arts and cultural courses to enrich students’ campus life and cultivate their diverse interests.
  • Deepening Parents-School Interaction: We will conduct more forms of activities, such as Head Master Brunch and Forum, to deepen family involvement in campus life.
  • Strengthening Inter-school Relations: We will enhance connections with the Harrow global family while participating in more exchanges and competitions with other international schools in Shanghai.
  • Infrastructure Upgrade: We plan to conduct a more advanced comprehensive upgrade of the stage to provide more professional stage facilities for students’ music and drama performances.