Happy Children’s Day

Happy Children’s Day! On this very special day, we celebrate all our children – the glue that holds our Harrow community together. May the warm and confident smiles of our beautiful and confident Harrovians bring warmth to your heart as you spend time celebrating those special “little ones” in your family!

A child’s faith is full of enthusiasm for life and the desire to explore and make the world a better place. A child faithfully trusts and leans on their support system – their wonderful family, teachers and friends – to guide them to discover hidden skills and unlock talent. May we continue to nurture each child’s faith to courageously create a better world for tomorrow! 

To witness the joy in the bright eyes of a child is a priceless gift. We are privileged to be able to partake in the joy of watching children learn, grow and develop confidence over time. May our children’s joy be a precious memory that lasts for a lifetime!

The smile of a child exudes innocence, beauty and love. The smiles of our children are contagious and constantly bring smiles to our faces as we journey with them on the road towards learning excellence. May we never forget the beautiful smiles and memories that our children gift us with each and every day!

We celebrate all children on this very special day and hope that they will never lose their simple faith, boundless joy and innocent smiles throughout life. Happy Children’s Day!